Tom Myatt

Potential Coalitions Would Have Differing Impacts Upon Higher Education in Ireland

Tom Myatt analyses the different coalitions the 2016 election could leave us with, arguing that some would be better than others for young people.
By Tom Myatt

RB McDowell and the Legacy of the Trinity Eccentric

Tom Myatt profiles former History lecturer and eccentric, RB McDowell, who almost single-handedly progressed the field of Irish History.
By Tom Myatt

Is it Important to be an “International University”?

Tom Myatt argues that to continue to have relevance Trinity must be seen as attractive on a global stage.
By Tom Myatt

It May Come as a Surprise, but Trinity Needs to do More to Support Students Beyond Academics

Addressing the findings of a recent survey, in which College fares poorly at helping students with non-academic needs.
By Tom Myatt

Online Plagiarism is a Problem with No Easy Solution

Tom Myatt argues that online plagiarism unfairly targets small websites and reduces quality content online.
By Tom Myatt

Social Media Shouldn’t be the One Source for News

Tom Myatt argues that using only social media for news acquisition creates an “echo chamber” of confirmatory views.
By Tom Myatt

The Quest for a “New” Politics

From Lynn Ruane to Jeremy Corbyn, unconventional is popular as voters look for something new.
By Tom Myatt

What Really Grinds My Gears: Team England

Resident complainer Tom Myatt talks about Trinity's 'Team England'

Growing Up In a Simpsons World

What a cultural obsession says about a generation's struggles with identity

Worked Up About Water

Tom Myatt sees populist rhetoric and violent protests as ineffective paths to affecting political outcomes