Comment & Analysis


Trinity’s Inexcusable Treatment of its Belfast Cohort

The College must immediately rectify a situation that sees its students on its Belfast campus without access to student support services.
By The Editorial Board
Editorial Notebook

Trinity’s Exasperating Legal Spend, Ascough’s Stature, Fianna Fáil on Repeal

By The Editorial Board

North and South Must Unite to Win Reproductive Rights

Elaine Coyle of Rally for Choice implores Irish people to show solidarity with their northern neighbours.
By Elaine Coyle

Mytaxi’s Charge Poses Problems for Students

The recently added €2 booking charge may encourage the practice of students walking home after a night out drinking.
By Marcus Kelly

Resignation, not Frustration, as Higher Education Assesses Budget 2018

The government is approaching a time when it will have no choice but to decide on a funding model.
By Róisín Power

Space Week Reminded us that Ireland Should Look to the Stars

In this era of technology, Ireland shoudn't forget it's historic prowess in the world of astronomy.
By Cormac Larkin

A Student Loan System is Far From the Monster it is Often Depicted As

With student groups calling for so-called "free fees", Simon Foy argues that the narrative surrounding a student loan system is too simplistic.
By Simon Foy

Patrick Geoghegan: Putting the Theory of Political Rhetoric into Practice

Edmund Heaphy profiles Patrick Geoghegan, an acclaimed Trinity historian who is now Taoiseach Leo Varadkar’s speechwriter.
By Edmund Heaphy

The Government is Making All the Right Sounds on Third-Level Funding

There may be signs of government consensus on funding, but clever rhetoric from a taoiseach in his honeymoon period will get old fast.
By The Editorial Board

Níl Bonn Tuillte ag Farage ach Ba Chóir go dTabharfaí Cuireadh Dó

Má chuireann siad an cuireadh ar ceal, cuirfidh sé sin leis an insint nach bhfuil mic léinn in ann glacadh le tuairimí conspóideacha.